@kdfrawg I was too


Something like that.

The kids had fun trick or treating tonight. I enjoyed watching them. This was the first Halloween I've had at home with any of the kids. #nt

Doesn't look like the lots on the grass strip are gonna work out. The price is right but they need some work and there is a $1,020/yr HOA fee that just goes to maintenance for the grass strip.

There are some lots across the road we're looking into

thanks, we do too


Travolta would have a hard time landing those at this strip.


As long as your next door neighbor isn't this guy, it's all good. :-)



What can I say, I love airplanes and aviation. Also, the type of flying (and planes) that goes on at a grass strip is a lot different than work.

Yep. Alistair (my 3yr old would love it too). My wife was the one who found and suggested the lots.